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Build Faith


Fun and Unity






God's work

Build faith in

Jesus Christ.

Provide fun and

foster unity.

Provide opportunities for personal growth.

Jesus Christ.

Strengthen individuals and families.

Help members participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation.

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to the Northwest Oregon Single Adult (SA) website. On this website you will find a calendar for regional, multi-stake activities and local activities.


We know attending single adult activities can feel intimidating. One reason is the perception that the single adult program is only for those seeking a spouse. This perception is a disservice to every single adult in the church. The reality is each of us has unique experiences with dating and/or marriage. And for personal reasons, some are not currently looking for a spouse. In fact, a more prevalent commonality is each of us is a child of a God with a divine plan who need friendship with other disciples of Jesus Christ, particularly during these trying times. 


We invite you to ponder the life of Jesus Christ. He called righteous children of God to serve Him, most of whom we have no knowledge of their marital status. Every single adult has divine potential and when following the guidance of the Holy Ghost, to follow God's plan, both temporal and eternal blessings come in the due time of the Lord. Please know that when you endure in faith, confidently hope He upholds His promises and love one to another, you will have peace in Him and joy in this life.


One unquestionable desire He has for each of us is to find sociality among other disciples. Our SA program seeks to build faith in Jesus Christ, create a community that fosters growth and strengthens members, and provides opportunities to create friendships with fellow disciples of Jesus Christ. Plus, have fun along the way.


We invite you to participate in SA activities whether locally and/or regionally. Please know you matter.


Hope to see you soon!

Interested in helping the sa program?


Contact your stake single adult representative.


Offer to assist with activities.


Invite others to carpool and attend activities with you.


Fill out questionnaire. COMING SOON!

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